5 Things to Remember when choosing the right Preschool for your Child

Keywords: preschool in Baner, best preschool in Pune, importance preschool,

Every parent wants the best for their child. Whether it is choosing a preschool or day-care there are several questions that run through your mind. What is the right age to start day care? How can you choose a play-group? Is enrolling into activity centre important? What are the factors to keep in mind when looking for the best preschool in Pune?

Early education can build an excellent foundation for your child’s development, making them independent and ready for full-time school! Here are the 5 things you must remember while take a tour of a preschool in baner for your child:

1) Environment:

What kids miss the most at home is having to run around freely! Check if the classrooms are spacious, clutter free so that kids can move around and explore. If the walls are filled with hand-written stories, children drawing and prints- it confirms a healthy environment where teachers appreciate their students’ interests. Are there enough toys and books? Are the interiors clean? The toilets periodically cleaned? How does the staff look, well dressed and professional? Does it give a warm welcome to your child like the space is his own with colourful pictures and kid-friendly interiors?

2) Curriculum

The schools philosophy should be based on giving practical experience to children with various extracurricular activities. While structure and syllabus is also important, children below the age of 5 respond to learning best when they have ample amount of playful activities like art, crafts, dance, music, multi-sensory skills games etc that keep their minds engaged. Apart from rich content for study, the school should also focus on developing the emotional and social skills of the child, like urging them to be independent of their tasks- wearing shoes, keeping toys back etc. Does the pre-school brochure detail the schools values? Does the school staff emphasize on the importance of preschool?

3) Transparent Parent-Teacher Communication

It is important that the family can be welcome at any time in school, regarding queries or questions, even if it means speaking to the management. The teachers must be friendly to discuss their child’s progress and give appropriate feedback for parents to take back. There must be enough parent-teacher meets, conferences to make communicating with fellow parents easier, so that everyone is on the same page. Does the school share a monthly student record? Do they conduct meetings after school?

4) Outdoor Space:

Children in play-group and preschool are bursting with energy and curiosity. Their mind cannot be tamed just indoors. Outdoor space needs to be safe and specially designed for toddlers to explore. The school must include nature trails, field trips and interaction with outdoors to keep their connect with their natural surroundings, even if it is getting messy in mud! Does the school encourage play outdoors? Are the school outdoors seperate for preschool if it is an institution? Do they have ample games outdoors?

5) The Nature of Education Technique:

In the digital era and modern teaching techniques, one needs to nurture the important aspects of culture. Teaching studentszumba on one hand and yoga on the other, is an example of the right blend of traditional and modern education. Make sure the school inculcates age-old practices of folk dance, cultural stories, pranayam, shlokas while keeping up-to-date with new age needs of martial arts and sports et al. Do the teachers talk about our culture? Is the curriculum religious or balanced?

Even t, it is important to read through the fine print thoroughly and stay involved. Know the school timings, rates and additional services that they offer. Listen to the teachers sincerely and also your child’s observations in school. While the facilities and structure of the school may be the best, it is important to trust the gut feeling you and your child get when you enter the school.

The right start to your child, will help him develop into a confident and positive individual. Suryadatta National School believes in developing confident and positive individuals, who get the right balance of education, activities and excellent staff interaction.

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