Effects of Globalization on Indian Education

The meaning of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

“Export Promotion and Import Substitution” was the policy of all the countries in the past. This policy acted as an obstacle to free trade and Globalisation.

To discourage the imports most of the counties were following “Protection” policy. Protection means protection to domestic industries from competition from foreign industries. The opposite of “Protection” is “Free Trade” policy. In free trade there is no protection to domestic industries.  Free trade is a situation where a government does not attempt to influence through quotas or duties what its citizens can buy from another country or what they can produce and sell to another country.

Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) started in India in 1990.

Liberalisation means liberalising the rules and regulations and paper work and procedures for export and import.

Privatisation means reducing the government ownership in business house through disinvestment or allowing public sector companies to raise more capital from the public/FDI/FII so as to reduce the Govt control. “Government has no business to be in business”. Margret Thatcher, the then PM of UK

Globalisation means opening the borders of India both for exports and imports. Export Promotion through import Promotion. Export of one country is the import of another country.  Globalisation also means following a Free Trade Policy and removing the trade barriers viz tariff barriers and non tariff barriers to encourage international trade (export and import) for the benefit of consumers is called Globalisation.

Smith, Ricardo, and Heckscher-Ohlin promote unrestricted free trade. Porter’s theory of national competitive advantage justify limited and selective government intervention to support the development of certain export-oriented industries

Globalisation of education

Integration, interaction and trade have been prevalent since centuries of human interface that primarily defined globalization. However, the advent of technology has changed the way people perceive business and education in particular. The effects of globalization on Indian education have been massive and have made universities re-think of how they can use this change to help provide better educational opportunities for aspiring students.

Though it is easier to quantify the impact of this phenomenon on emerging economies, there aren’t any standard measures to directly witness the effect of globalization on education. Still, few would deny the impact of globalization on education. Though scholars and subject-matter-experts have tried to perceive the impact of it through changes in educational policies, practices, protocol and similar parameters; certain specificity is vital in understanding the true impact of globalization on education.


Globalization is a process of integration, exchange, and interaction between people, ideas, resources and opportunities across national and regional borders. Though there have been parameters to measure the time and the relative impact and also the progression of globalization, whether the effects have been good or bad are still debatable as regards education. It was only in the 1980s, that globalization was linked to education or academics directly. The colonial education projects through India, Africa, and East Asia may be the first reflection of the future emerging globalization in education. UNESCO and its initiatives have been instrumental in redefining and enhancing quality and access to education across national boundaries.

Reformative change-

The more apparent impacts of the long-term changes through educational- globalization were seen through the change in the nature of policies, values, curriculum, assessment, pedagogies, leadership and educational &organizational structures, new concepts of teaching and learning etc. The trends for a better life, better opportunities began to dominate the policies, curriculums in schools and colleges to make for more full-rounded education initiatives.  A major impact has been seen in recent years is the evaluation of global opportunities and customizing educative programs in India to make more room for growth and an overall development of students. Practices of accumulation of knowledge have now been replaced with skills of gaining knowledge, implementation and innovation through various universities in India which is observed as a major educational break-through.

Impact of Technology-

Ubiquitous technology has diminished boundaries and made the world a smaller place than before as regards the concepts of modern education and globalization alike. People from all over the world have now got an access to information; data and a new culture of online courses have greatly redefined the means of acquiring education. Now the world is referred to as a “Global Village”. This has also seen the surge of reputable universities in India and across the world. In India, teaching and curriculums have been reformed as revolutionary movements almost. Several universities having to identify the need for easy admission processes, online opportunities and setting up foreign universities in India are all seen as impacts of globalization on Indian education.

The change is here to stay-

With clear signs of change and the need of the time, several universities across India have responded positively to the global effect of educative innovativeness. Thus, along with the need for technical know-how to sustain in the global world of competition, going to the root of reforming education -values, skills, designing curriculums that are need-based, setting goals for development of students for sustaining increasing pressures in competitive markets, affordable education to produce and hone the skills of talented students has taken precedence over traditional ways of education in India.

The students of many developing countries from Africa and Asia who cannot afford the exorbitant fees of the Universities in American and European Countries are looking towards India for world quality education at affordable fees.

While institutes are mushrooming all over the country with promising career-oriented courses there are only a few institutes that have truly recognized the impact of globalization and the way education-programs need to be re-designed to benefit students for an overall development; Suryadatta Group of Institutes (SG) is truly a name to reckon with. Values and innovative initiatives as the foundation of all the programs at SGI; it is a testimony to the fact that an institute like SGI always thinks ahead of its times, proactively providing what’s best for its students. For more details about programs and courses log on to www.suryadatta.org. The slogan of Suryadatta “B School of International repute” aptly describes the Suryadatta group with focus on international internships and placements.

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